United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)
In October 2010, United Methodist clergy and laity from around the United States came together in a grass roots effort to respond to the “Kairos Palestine Document.” This document is an urgent plea from Christians in the Holy Land for decisive action in support of a just peace. It is a powerful call to churches around the world to go beyond merely talking about peace and take real steps to help bring a just peace to the people of Israel and Palestine.
United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR) began with a single purpose: encouraging our church to divest its holdings in companies that support and profit from Israel's occupation. The UMKR movement includes thousands of United Methodists in dozens of annual conferences throughout the United Methodist Church, whose goal is to bring about a just peace for Israelis as well as Palestinians. UMKR also works with allies in many other faith communities and organizations around the world. Together and globally, people of conscience are giving hope to those whose lives have been all but destroyed by war and military occupation.
Western Methodist Justice Movement
The Western Methodist Justice Movement (WMJM) is a movement of United Methodists in the annual conferences of the Western Jurisdiction who are committed to carry out the prophetic statements and actions of the Western Jurisdictional Conference of The United Methodist Church. Our work focuses on diverse action areas, including: increasing the inclusiveness and justice focus of churches, planning ministries to fully include GLBT persons, immigration justice, reproductive justice, justice in the Philippines, education and advocacy for justice in Israel-Palestine, planning extravagant hospitality in our churches, and addressing the worldwide nature and future of the UMC.