Methodist Federation for Social Action

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Arch Street United Methodist Church

55 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19170
Phone: (215) 568-6250



Arch Street UMC was founded in 1862 as a neighborhood church in center city Philadelphia, and as time and Philadelphia has grown, Arch Street has become an urban church for all people. As one of the oldest churches in the city, Arch Street has a rich history as a gathering space for justice seekers and people protesting the powers in all spaces. Arch Street United Methodist Church is a community of faith-keeping and faith-seeking people who embrace diversity in our congregation and community, and affirm the dignity and worth of every person as created in the image of God. We celebrate and give thanks for all of the gifts of God among us. Our welcome knows no boundaries, whether of age, racial or ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, economic or marital status, or physical or mental ability. We welcome all to share in the ministry, fellowship, and blessings of full participation as members of Christ’s body.