Introducing Christ Crossman UMC, a Justice Seeking Community
Photo of members of Christ Crossman gathered together for a community event pre-COVID
"Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread." (1 Corinthians 10:17)
Formed on June 29, 1997 when the congregations of Christ United Methodist Church and Crossman United Methodist Church merged, Christ Crossman UMC is located in Falls Church, Virginia. Our newest Justice Seeking Community embraces and seeks to live into 1 Corinthians 10:17. A “fully inclusive faith community welcoming all persons, whatever walk of life, ability, identity, ethnicity, & culture,” Christ Crossman believes “all persons are persons of dignity and worth” and that “the difference you bring is the difference you add to the whole of who we are.” This genuine and generous welcoming of the “churched, un-churched, dis-churched” is at the core of Christ Crossman. In the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Justice Seeking Community gathers via online worship, continuing to welcome all because “there’s a seat for you at the table.”
“What can we say? We're not one thing. And we're definitely not perfect. But what we share deeply is the belief in the power of goodness and love to make a lasting difference. So come and check us out!”
If your church, small group, ministry group, or community is interested in becoming a Justice-Seeking Community, please click the link and check out the JSC Covenant: