Methodist Federation for Social Action

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A Letter from the Board President: MFSA Partnering with Crossroads

Dear Justice-Seeker,

I pastor a growing, justice-seeking congregation in the South. Some in my congregation have been pushed to the margins by oppressive systems and theology and some have quite a lot of privilege—but they all are working together for our collective liberation. MFSA connects them with like-minded United Methodists so we can build power for change together.

I remember the first time I attended an MFSA gathering. It was such a gift to no longer feel alone—to know there were other people who believe working for social justice is an integral part of living out our faith as Christians. MFSA has formed me as a clergy person to follow Jesus to the margins into places like officiating same-sex weddings, offering sanctuary to immigrants facing deportation, and dismantling white supremacy and racism. I am still under complaint for standing with Nancy and Shannon as they said their marriage vows.

Today, we as United Methodists are in different ways working to dismantle the systems of white supremacy, homophobia, patriarchy, capitalism, and colonialism. These systems do harm and contradict the Gospel. No matter the future of The United Methodist Church, these systems will continue to plague our church and world unless we do something about it. We, like The UMC, have structures and practices that perpetuate the very systems of oppression we are trying to dismantle.

MFSA is partnering with Crossroads, a non-profit that focuses on dismantling systemic racism and building antiracist multicultural diversity within institutions and communities, to conduct a full organizational racial audit.  Our goal is to be better structured to perpetuate justice and equity throughout the MFSA network and whatever form the church takes next. And if we are successful we will be able to help the church through a similar process.

We will continue our critical justice work and organizing toward General Conference and plan to host national webinars on our GC priorities to better resource you as we collectively work toward our vision for the church. Make sure you are signed up for our newsletter for more information. 


Rev. Andy Oliver

MFSA Interim Board President