Recent MFSAVoices Newsletters

North Carolina Chapter Statement on Disaffiliation
We remain convinced that a total and full inclusion of all persons, in every aspect of ministry, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation is a clear reflection of the Kingdom of God.

NCC MFSA and the Voices on Health Care NC
Among the challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic has been how to hold a conference in the era of social distancing. The North Carolina Conference chapter (MFSA-NCC) successfully tackled both the issue of health care and new technologies, producing a series of three webinars, Voices on Health Care NC, broadcast live, three evenings in October.

NC MFSA Host Jack Crum Conference on Prophetic Ministry 2019
Hosted by NC MFSA, the 2019 Jack Crum Conference provided a training event focused on how people can become advocates for justice-centered on specific issues.