Recent MFSAVoices Newsletters
NY MFSA: “Whose Streets? Police, Race and (In)Justice”
In June, New York MFSA hosted an online forum in response to the murder of George Floyd and other instances of police violence against persons of color.
A Message from the Racial Audit Task Force Co-Moderators
As MFSA moves forward with a review of how to move toward being an anti-racist organization, the co-chairs of the audit team offer an update.
Mass Poor People's Assembly & Moral March on Washington goes Digital!
The Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington is going digital!
Dismantling Racism: Building Racial Justice in Institutions
Partnering with Crossroads, MFSA conducts full organizational racial audit and provides opportunity for 3-day Antiracism training
MLK Day: A Day On
“It’s [MLK Day’s] not a day off, but it’s a day on.” It’s a day “on” to recognize and celebrate the work and faith of our preceding justice-seekers, and it’s a year on to continue the work of seeking justice with a heart of hope.
Native Women's Equal Pay Day - Sept. 23
The reality of the 21st Century is that on average Native women earn 58 cents for every dollar white, non-hispanic men earn.
A Commitment from the MFSA Board of Directors
Methodist Federation for Social Action is committed to dismantling the sin of racism and white supremacy.
Statement on Anti-racism and Dismantling White Supremacy
Together we seek to do the hard work to become an anti-racist, multi-cultural organization.