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Frontline, Fence Line, and Shoreline Communities
Climate Justice Communications Staff Climate Justice Communications Staff

Frontline, Fence Line, and Shoreline Communities

Who is affected by climate change?

We are all affected by climate change in our environment in different ways. This article looks at three types of communities that are affected disproportionately by the impacts of climate change, namely frontline communities, fence line communities and shoreline communities. When looking at environmental justice, it is essential to know who the vulnerable members of the community are and how best they…

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Post General Conference Reflection: Divine Invitation to unwrap the GC Outcomes
Bridget Cabrera Bridget Cabrera

Post General Conference Reflection: Divine Invitation to unwrap the GC Outcomes

After my two years of serving as a global mission fellow, I was deeply convinced that I wanted to continue serving God. Not anywhere else but in the United Methodist Church. For your information, I was not born a United Methodist, you may wonder why I had this deep conviction. In 2006 when my family was forcefully moved from our rural home in Busia to Nairobi, my schooling was cut short because my younger siblings and I…

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Reflections on Climate Teach in: Climate Justice Legislation for General Conference
Climate Justice Bridget Cabrera Climate Justice Bridget Cabrera

Reflections on Climate Teach in: Climate Justice Legislation for General Conference

On April 4, 2024, MFSA and United Methodist Creation Justice Movement (UMCJM) held a webinar entitled “Climate Teach in: Climate Justice Legislation for General Conference” in collaboration with the Creation Justice Movement. This was my internship project for the year. Thank you to all that attended and helped make it a success.

There were two speakers namely Cathy Velasquez Eberhart, who represented the United Methodist Creation Justice Movement, and Nancy Blade, a United Methodist Elder who co-chairs a new Northern Illinois task force focusing on eco-sustainability. Cathay Eberhart spoke about the UM Creation Justice Movement, what it stands for and ways to get involved with the work the UMCJM is pursuing. Nancy Blade gave an overview of…

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