MFSA Bookstore

MFSA’s bookstore is hosted by BookShop, an online bookstore with a mission to financially support local, independent bookstores. MFSA is part of the affiliate program, which pays a 10% commission on every sale, and gives a matching 10% to independent bookstores. Through this platform, customers can choose what local bookstore they want to support and that bookstore will receive the full profit on the order.

MFSA’s bookstore provides curated book recommendations organized in lists based on justice issues including racial justice, LGBTQ+ justice, disability justice, theology of justice, interfaith, justice in the Holy Land, peacebuilding, and more! The bookstore is still developing and lists will be regularly updated with recommendations from webinars, partner organizations, and the community.


Black-Palestinian Solidarity


Sep 2021 MFSAVoices