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Influencing our Elected Leaders and Holding Them Accountable: Power of the People

Advocating with government leaders for justice in Israel/Palestine can seem like a daunting task, but we do have the power to enact political change.

The United Methodist Book of Resolutions states: “The attempt to influence...public policy at all levels of government is often the most effective keep before humanity the ideal of a society in which power and order are made to serve the ends of justice and freedom for all people.” (UMC Book of Resolutions, #5012)

In our July webinar, we will learn valuable tools to connect with decision makers in government and methods to maximize our impact, along with current issues, campaigns, and messaging for the Palestinian rights movement.

The U.S. Congress will be on recess in the month of August, a key time for constituents to meet with legislators, in both face-to-face and virtual meetings. And, with congressional elections coming up this fall, many incumbent and new candidates will be speaking at town hall meetings before November.

Legislators often say they don’t hear enough from constituents who are advocating for Palestinian rights and freedom. Working together - and with our many justice partners - we can change that!

Join us to hear from seasoned activists who will share their years of practical experience in political advocacy.

Aimee Hong serves as the Special Executive Director of Education and Engagement at the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) in Washington DC. As the director of the UM Seminar Program, Aimee designs seminars on issues of justice and peace that include visits to legislative offices. Growing up in the church, Aimee has had a lifelong interest in the intersection of personal faith and social justice, but felt the church was silent on how to engage in social justice. Since her graduation from Candler School of Theology, Emory University, and before coming to GBCS, Aimee served as a local pastor and an education director where she actively incorporated justice and peace into faith formation and curriculum.

Kyle Cristofalo is Senior Director of Advocacy and Government Relations at Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP). He holds a BA in Peace and Conflict Studies from Messiah College, and a Master of Divinity Degree from Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. Kyle was first introduced to Middle East advocacy work during a semester abroad in Cairo, Egypt. After graduating from college, he spent 10 months serving with the Mennonite Central Committee in Palestine, at Bethlehem Bible College. Most recently, Kyle served as the Program Assistant for Middle East Policy at the Friends Committee on Legislation (FCNL) where he helped coordinate lobbying work on Middle East policy and trained grassroots advocates in how to lobby their Congressional representatives.

Pat Minor, a member of UMKR’s Steering Committee and an experienced political activist, will moderate this webinar and will also share her experience in the practice of "birddogging" candidates. Pat holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Iowa and has been advocating for Palestinian rights since she returned from her first trip to the region in 2005. She is an organizer in Iowans for Palestine, a political advocacy group that works to educate legislators, candidates, and voters about Palestinian rights.

May 25

Stealing the Earth: Session 5 “Undoing the Doctrine:” Developing a theology of repentance and repair.

September 14

The Press & Palestine: The Bad, The Ugly...and a Shift?