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Ukraine & Palestine: Double Standards, Hypocrisy, Racism

Few would suggest that the devastating invasion of Ukraine deserves less than our deepest concern and a robust response. However, these events dominating our Western media for two months have also raised unavoidable and troubling questions among justice advocates and human rights defenders.

The continuing flood of media attention, the outrage over war crimes, the endorsement of grassroots militant resistance, the empathy for refugees and support for their determination to return home, the embrace of BDS actions in government and goes on and on. While the vivid double standards and hypocrisy on display and the racism that underlies them are shocking, they may also be instructive.

In this webinar, we will examine these developments more closely and consider what can be learned to inform and strengthen the movement for Palestinian liberation.

Our panel will include Edo Konrad, Editor-in-Chief of +972 Magazine, one of Israel's premier publications for groundbreaking reporting and analysis. Edo will be joined by Nada Elia, a prominent Palestinian activist and speaker, a widely published author and political analyst, and an award-winning academic on subjects concerning global affairs and ethnic studies. UMKR communications director, M. Theresa Basile, will be the moderator for this discussion

April 27

Stealing the Earth Part 5: Undoing the Doctrine- Developing a Theology of Repentance & Repair

May 25

Stealing the Earth: Session 5 “Undoing the Doctrine:” Developing a theology of repentance and repair.