Helen Ryde

Helen Ryde

Helen has worked for Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) since 2012 and serves on RMN’s Organizing Team. Helen fell in love with the United States in 1983 when they visited New Jersey and Virginia for a field hockey tour with their high school. They spent 15 mostly-happy years in non-denominational charismatic churches in the U.K., everything apart from the conversion therapy piece was good. Eventually Helen moved to Massachusetts in 1998, met Mrs. Lovely (their spouse Kate) in 1999, and joined the United Methodist Church in Provincetown in 2005. Helen and Kate currently live on the NC coast with their cute and naughty dog Bella. Prior to joining RMN, Helen was Vice President of a global financial services company and a special needs teacher. They graduated in post-graduate secondary education from Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent, England. Helen is a Home Missioner in the Order of Deaconess and Home Missioner in The United Methodist Church, appointed by the Bishop of the Western NC Conference to their role at RMN.


Paloma Rodriguez-Riviera


Cynthia Tuell