MFSA Plumbline: Creation Justice

Understanding the Issue

In caring for creation, we are reminded that humans are a part of God’s holy creation. The impacts of climate change are immense, and the humans who experience the heaviest impact are the ones who have contributed the least.

In presenting legislation on creation justice and climate change, we seek to strengthen the church’s witness as a bearer of God’s goodness, minimize our shared harm, and make a difference in the places we can.


  • Care for creation

  • Responsible use of resources

  • Prevent harm to world’s most vulnerable

  • Making air more breathable

  • Limit global climate change

  • Minimize impact of natural disaster


The Revised Social Principals improve our stances on creation care, and should be supported. We are seeking to revise ¶717 to include fossil fuels in the list of industries we do not seek to fund with United Methodist Investments. We also seek to add the role of Annual Conference Creation Care Coordinator, and local church green teams. Overall, we seek to be NetZero in greenhouse gasses by 2050 and divest from fossil fuels entirely.


Recommended Action

Key Legislation to Not Support in Book of Discipline

Vote NO on 20982-GA- page 1506 ADCA Which is the Wespath response to Fossil Free screening to codify their engagement strategy.

Key Legislation to Support in the Book of Discipline

Vote FOR Petition 21056-LC page 1611 ADCA “Other Ministry Group Coordinators” Adding “Green Teams” to Other Ministry Group Coordinators

Vote FOR Petition 21016-CO page 1311 ADCA “Sustainable Practices for Annual Conference Sessions” 

Vote FOR Petition 20942-FA page 1447 ADCA “General Conference-Owned Land Use Management” 

Vote FOR Petition 20955-FA page 1496 ADCA “Annual Conference Owned Land-Use Amendment”

Vote FOR Petition 0954-FA page 1497 ADCA “District-Owned Land Use Amendment”|

Vote FOR Petition 20620-CA-page 196 ADCA “Use of Plastic”

Vote FOR Petitions 20754 through  20760-CA page 1192-3 ADCA to retain/re-adopt current resolutions

Vote FOR Petition 20779-CA page 1197 ADCA “Land Use”

Vote FOR Petition 20781-CA page 1199 ADCA “Green Team Formation”

Vote FOR Petition 20782-CA page 1200 ADCA “Commitment to Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions”

Vote FOR Petition 20753-CA page 1191 ADCA “Food and Water Safety”

Vote FOR Petition 20010-CA page 175 ADCA “Establish a Conference Caretakers of God's Creation Coordinator in Each Annual Conference”

Vote FOR Petition 20981-GA page 1506 ADCA “Sustainable and Socially Responsible Investments”

Vote FOR Petition 20413-LC page 944 ADCA “Annual Carbon Footprint and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Audit for Local Churches”

Vote FOR Petition 20417-LC page 947 ADCA “Reporting Church's Progress on Facilities Becoming Carbon Neutral and/or Having Net Zero Greenhouse”

Key Legislation to Support in the Book of Resolutions:

Vote FOR Petition 20531-CA page 179 ACDA “Energy Policy Statement”

Vote FOR Petition 20612-CA page 189 ADCA “Reducing Resources in Construction”

Vote FOR Petition 20615-CA page 191 ADCA “Resolution for Climate Rescue”

Vote FOR Petition 20616-CA page 191 ADCA “Care of Creation”

Vote FOR Petition 20617-CA  page 193 ADCA “Recognizing United Methodist Support for ‘Green New Deal’ Initiatives and Legislative Efforts”

This document was prepared in collaboration with the United Methodist Creation Justice Movement (UMCJM). MFSA and UMCJM are members of the Love Your Neighbor Coalition. Learn more

MFSA Plumblines: Creation Justice  
© 2024, Methodist Federation for Social Action


MFSA Plumbline: Resist Censorship


MFSA Plumbline: Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions