Caretakers of God’s Creation

Caretakers of God's Creation is a grassroots community of United Methodists who believe that a relationship with God's creation and a ministry of caring for and healing the earth are integral to what it means to be a Christian. Both Christian scripture and Wesleyan theology are central to our belief that the earth belongs to God, not us, and we are given the responsibility to be good stewards of it. Our mission is to be a transformative Christian witness, helping others to know God as revealed through creation and motivating them to act on behalf of environmental wholeness and justice.

The United Methodist Church is a global church, at work in approximately 130 countries around the world with 8 million members. Given the global nature of the environmental problems the earth faces and the strength of our numbers, we have faith that we will make a significant difference in the world.


General Board of Church and Society on Climate


General Commission on the Status and Role of Women