Recent MFSAVoices Newsletters

Racial Audit Implementation Team Update
The Racial Audit Implementation Team came into being almost one year ago. There are six members of the team, two of whom were part of the Racial Audit Team. Bridget Cabrera, our Executive Director, is also part of the team. The team has been challenged by a number of logistical things in the past year – finding dates in everyone’s busy schedules to meet monthly, taking time out to prepare for and attend General Conference in the spring, and working only by Zoom meetings.

Racial Audit Reflection from MFSA Board President
“We are great at naming forms of explicit bigotry and at the same time, lack the tools to deal with our own fears of our white cultural power and spaces being replaced.”

Racial Audit Reflection
Esther Rodriguez reflects on her experience as a member of MFSA’s Racial Audit Team.

Racial Audit Reflection
Paloma Rodriguez-Rivera reflects on her experience as a member of MFSA’s Racial Audit Team.

Racial Audit Reflection
Rev. Dr. Mary Kay Totty reflects on her experience as a member of MFSA’s Racial Audit Team.

An Update from Our Racial Audit Team
MFSA Racial Audit Team prepares for the final tool of the audit, a constituent study

A Message from the Racial Audit Task Force Co-Moderators
As MFSA moves forward with a review of how to move toward being an anti-racist organization, the co-chairs of the audit team offer an update.

Dismantling Racism: Building Racial Justice in Institutions
Partnering with Crossroads, MFSA conducts full organizational racial audit and provides opportunity for 3-day Antiracism training

A Commitment from the MFSA Board of Directors
Methodist Federation for Social Action is committed to dismantling the sin of racism and white supremacy.

Statement on Anti-racism and Dismantling White Supremacy
Together we seek to do the hard work to become an anti-racist, multi-cultural organization.