Recent MFSAVoices Newsletters
A Prayer for America
Typical July 4th celebration denies the lack of independence, freedom, and justice for all people in this country. Today we reflect on Lisa Sharon Harper’s “A Prayer for America,” found in “A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal,” a collection edited by Sarah Bessey.
A Call to Love Our Neighbors with No Reserve
In my final month at MFSA, I pray that we continue to reimagine how the Church expands its radical welcome, that the Church might transform to embody God’s core which is love and embrace all God’s beloved with no reserve.
Colors of Pride
This Pride Month MFSA is teaming up with various non-profits for “Colors of Pride”.
An Update from Our Racial Audit Team
MFSA Racial Audit Team prepares for the final tool of the audit, a constituent study
Words, Relationships, and Becoming Anti-Racist with Rev. Neal Christie
Rev. Neal Christie, member of Justice Seeking Community Dumbarton UMC in Washington DC, speaks on the importance of language, relationships, and what it means to become anti-racist.
2021 National Week of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Join in solidarity with the communities of Native and Indigenous folks directly impacted by the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and take action.
2021 Lenten Devotional - Week 5
Our God is a loving God who has breathed the breath of life into each of us. Designing us to be unique creations in the world — in the same way, that the potter molds her clay. If these things are true, we must also believe that God values each of his children in all of our differences and calls us to "speak out for justice" when necessary.
2021 Lenten Devotional - Week 4
Moses was tasked with keeping them encouraged and leading them to the promised land. Upon my initial reading of this Old Testament text it appears at first glance the Israelites, like many of us, are struggling to find the good in the midst of trying times. We often forget about the basics God is still providing: food, shelter, clothing, health, and loved ones who care about us while we wait.
2021 Lenten Devotional - Week 2
The Lenten Journey is a mountain top experience in which we can bear witness to transfiguration; the world as it is already and is not yet.
Housing Justice on the Upper West Side NYC
The problems we face are real, and won’t be easily solved. But what a blessing to be in solidarity with other religious institutions, progressive neighbors, and the inspiring men of the Lucerne Hotel.
January 6 Reflections on this MLK day
White privilege and white supremacy cannot be the end of the narrative. We must face and peel back the messy, intersectional, layers of injustice rooted in white supremacy that dominates this world, this nation, our church, and our organization.
A 2020 Glance at Justice Seeking Communities
As we begin this new year of 2021, we celebrate the fruits and labors of our Justice Seeking Communities in 2020- being a witness and resembling the fundamental task of putting faith into action - and we pray that 2021 will continue to be a year filled with God’s justice.
2020 Advent Devotional 2
As a Palestinian, I have been an eyewitness to the agonizing Israeli military occupation of Palestine and seen the immense effects of the unjust blockade of the Gaza Strip. I consider Zechariah’s psalm as my song and the song of every Palestinian.
NY MFSA Virtual Fall Banquet 2020
In October, the New York Chapter of MFSA held a virtual fall banquet featuring guest speaker Garlinda Burton, current interim general secretary and CEO for the General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR).
2020 Advent Devotional 1
And the work as part of the Racial Audit team has reminded me again and again that this is not work to be done alone. This work requires all of us. All our experiences, skills, perspectives are needed. The work of building beloved community is done IN community with each other.
Oregon-Idaho MFSA: Black Lives Matter
Marching in solidarity because Black Lives more than matter.
East Ohio MFSA: “Race Matters: What Can I Do?”
East Ohio MFSA launches multi-week study addressing racial justice titled “Race Matters: What Can I Do?”
MFSA Joins Call for Divestment of Police Resources and Reinvestment in Communities
Black people have been killed, Black people are dying at the hands of police, our country is in crisis, and we all need to take action.