Recent MFSAVoices Newsletters
East Ohio MFSA presents two Bishop James S. Thomas Leadership awards
In 2004, the East Ohio chapter of the Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) inaugurated an annual award to recognize people for excellent leadership in peace and justice ministries in the church and the world.
Action Alert: Supreme Court Decision on Roe V. Wade
We as people of faith must come together to ensure that all people, particularly the most vulnerable, have free and equal access to abortion.
Introducing Christ Church United Methodist, a Justice-Seeking Community
Learn more about Christ Church United Methodist.
Racial Audit Reflection from MFSA Board President
“We are great at naming forms of explicit bigotry and at the same time, lack the tools to deal with our own fears of our white cultural power and spaces being replaced.”
Florida MFSA, Boycott Wendy’s!
Hear about a MFSA’s member experience at the Boycott Wendy’s march
2022 Lenten Devotional- Week 7
Can we preach resurrection when we haven’t figured out how resurrection looks like in our lives? I bring back the question hooks asks: “Do we believe that God can restore all of that which is broken within us?”
2022 Lent Devotional- Week 6
I’m here to tell you God will. And when God provides that strength, in whatever mysterious ways or messages, don’t ignore them. Don’t be afraid to make waves with your compassion. Because doing so will change your life. But more importantly, it will change the lives of others.
What We Need to Know About Climate Change and the U.S. Military
Member of Iowa Chapter MFSA, Kathleen McQuillen, writes on the intersection of climate change and the U.S. military
Racial Audit Reflection
Esther Rodriguez reflects on her experience as a member of MFSA’s Racial Audit Team.
2022 Lenten Devotional- Week 5
Rather than try to find a box that can encompass my identity, I have found that I need to get rid of the boxes entirely. I was not created to fit into a box or conform to societal standards. I was fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God tasked to bring Christ’s kin-dom here on earth. I am different. And my difference matters, and makes me unique.
2022 Lenten Devotional-Week 4
Like Nicodemus, looking for Jesus at night, I approached the experience of fasting for five days with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in front of the offices of Nelson Peltz in Manhattan with more doubts than answers. I fasted with the intention of continuing the call to Wendy's to join the Fair Food Program, which among other things promotes the cessation of sexual abuse experienced by women in the agricultural fields.
2022 Lenten Devotional- Week 3
This Lent, I will look for God to meet me in those places of despair, helplessness, grief, sorrow... I will “find my rest in God alone and remember that my hope comes from him.” I may not get the easy solutions and answers I want, but I receive God’s presence within the unresolved.
Statement on the Delay of General Conference
Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) commends the Commission on General Conference for their decision to prioritize equity in the difficult decision to delay the General Conference until 2024. We acknowledge the wisdom of the commission during these turbulent times and wholly support this decision.
2022 Lenten Devotional- Week 2
This Lenten season, I’m setting an intention to start each morning in prayerful reflection, to bring to God in faith the matters that I feel so passionate I give my time to throughout the month. More than the daily prayer that opens my day, I’m talking about being intentional with each group, or issue, or problem that calls me to do justice work.
2022 Lenten Devotional- Ash Wednesday
By internal design, our hearts, minds, body, and strength are all designed to be in relationship with one another, to share a connection of love and justice, and to not do the work alone.
Racial Audit Reflection
Paloma Rodriguez-Rivera reflects on her experience as a member of MFSA’s Racial Audit Team.
Racial Audit Reflection
Rev. Dr. Mary Kay Totty reflects on her experience as a member of MFSA’s Racial Audit Team.