Reading Banned Books as An Act of Resistance
LGBTQ+ Justice, Racial Justice, Censorship Communications Staff LGBTQ+ Justice, Racial Justice, Censorship Communications Staff

Reading Banned Books as An Act of Resistance

My parents used to joke that my second home growing up was my hometown’s public library. When I learned to ride my bike, I spent my summer vacations waiting for the library to open so I could ride my bike there and spend the whole day reading in the children’s room. I signed myself up for every single program. At the end of the day, I would pack my bags with whatever books I could carry home on my bike. My hometown’s library was the catalyst for me to learn about new places outside of my small town in Indiana. I dreamed about travel, living in big cities, meeting new people, and making a difference in the world, all thanks to the magical worlds that books transported me to. That’s the library's power—it can transport you to new worlds and experiences.

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